(Jennifer Leclaire) When I was writing my first book on Jezebel, I got sick six times in the course of a year. Yes, six times! I was hardly over one cold or flu before I got another cold or flu. This was especially unusual since I hadn’t had as much as a sniffle in the five years before.

Essentially, I was battling a cycle of infirmity—which I overcame. I’m battling another cycle of infirmity right now and I know others who are facing similar attacks so I thought it wise to dust off the understanding of witchcraft’s connection to infirmity so are not ignorant to the devil’s devices (see 2 Cor. 2:11). You can read more about Jezebel’s tactics in my latest book: Jezebel’s Puppets.

In this season of ministry, many times when I do a call an altar call for healing the Holy Spirit shows me to break the powers of witchcraft of people’s minds before praying over the infirmity that’s attacking their bodies. After this happened a few times, I decided to press in to discern the spiritual connection. CONTINUE
