Did you know that the top 1% has more wealth than the rest of the planet combined? And just 62 ultra-wealthy members of the elite have as much money as the poorest 3.5 billion people on the entire planet. These brand new numbers come from a shocking report that was just put out by Oxfam, and they show that income inequality continues to grow at a very rapid pace all over the world. As you will see below, the total wealth of the poorest half of the global population has plunged by 41 percent since 2010 while the wealth of the elite has continued to surge upward.

The debt-based financial system that now has the entire planet in its grip funnels wealth to the very top, and the global elite are more than happy to hoard as much of it as they possibly can. In our world, money is power, and the elite are continually becoming more powerful. The following comes from the Independent, and I think that these numbers truly speak for themselves& Wealth inequality has grown to the stage where 62 of the worlds richest people own as much as the poorest half of humanity combined, according to a new report. FULL REPORT
