(Carey Nieuwhof) There’s little doubt culture is changing rapidly. The question is, are you ready as a church leader? As I shared in my new book, Lasting Impact (you can download the first chapter for free here), if the change inside the church isn’t equal to or greater than the change outside our walls, irrelevance is inevitable.

While that thought can be somewhat depressing, think of the flip side. History belongs to the innovators. It belongs to the leaders who dared to dream, to try things no one else was trying, to experiment, to push the boundaries of what everyone else believed was possible. As Henry Ford famously said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

Or as Steve Jobs put it, “A lot of the time people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” If you are prepared to tackle change with a fully engaged heart, you can help not only your church but maybe even the church better accomplish the mission before us. So what’s changing before our eyes? I see these five things becoming major players as 2016 unfolds. CONTINUE
