(Ron Edmondson) I’ve been in church all my life. Along the way I’ve seen and observed a lot. Almost all the insight I have into church has come by experience. I have observed, for example, paradigms can often shape a church’s culture. A paradigm, in simple terms, is a mindset—a way of thinking. In this case, a collective mindset of the church, often programmed into the church’s culture. If the church is unhealthy, part of the reason could be because it has some wrong paradigms. In this case, it will almost always need a paradigm shift in order to be a healthier church again.

Recently, I’ve been thinking of some of the paradigms that impact a church. I’ll look at some of the negative in this post, and in another post some of the positive paradigms of the church. Please understand. I love and believe in the local church. I believe in the ability to impact a community, to provide hope and, of course, in the promise Jesus made about His church. My goal of this post and this blog is to strengthen the local church. Sometimes we do this by exposing the parts that need to improve. CONTINUE
